Why PHP Is Best For Web Development

While working on any website of web application, the first question that comes in mind is which programming language is best. If you ask programmers, they might love or hate PHP as server side scripting language. Well the opinions may vary but there are several reasons which make PHP one of the best programming language for web development. Here are 5 best reasons to love PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor):

Less Expensive

It requires no licensing fee and it has less expensive hosting servers available. Its software are mostly free and open source which makes it less expensive.


Web apps which are developed on PHP are comparatively faster as it uses its own memory space to run.

Database Flexibility

Well, one of the best reasons to love PHP is its flexibility towards databases. It can connect to several databases the most commonly used is the MySQL. MySQL can be used for free.

Very Good Documentation

PHP also has very good online documentation with a good framework of functions in place. This makes the language relatively easy to learn and very well supported online. There are countless forums and tutorials on various PHP methods and problems so it is usually very easy to find help if you need it.

Frameworks and Content Management System

There are numerous frameworks and CMS (Content Management System) available in PHP such as CakePHP, YII, Laravel, WordPress, Magento. All of these come with very well explained developer documentation which adds a plus to it.
